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Assamese Actress Aimee Baruah’s Film SEMKHOR Bags Tagore International Film Festival Awards

Assamese Actress Aimee Baruah’s Film SEMKHOR Bags Tagore International Film Festival Awards

Semkhor, the first-ever Dimasa language film directed by Aimee Baruah renowned actress of Assam has won the Tagore International Film Festival award (TIFF).Tagore International FilmFestival has awarded Semkhor the outstanding achievement award in threecategories namely in the Debut Filmmaker category, the Woman’s Film categoryand the Narrative Feature category the results of which were announced on Thursday.

Semkhor a Dimasa language filmbased on a Dimasa story and shot in Dima Hasao made by Aimee Baruah renowned actress of Assam is incidentally the first film that has been directed by actress Aimee Baruah.Aimee has worked at least intwenty-five feature films to date.

It is pertinent to mention that Aimee’s films “JetukaPator Dore” and “Kodomtole Krishna Nache” has succeeded toreceive National Awards, while the film “Paani” won International acclamations.“Semkhor, the award winning Dimasa language film portrays the customs, rituals, and folk beliefs of thepeople of Semkhor, the Semsa tribe that keep themselves away frommodernization, and remain disconnected from the outside world.

The film is also towards an attempt to promote the Dimasa language. The film engages with theissue of woman’s social position and the belief that men and women should workhand in hand in society which Aimee wanted to express it through her film. “The issues raised in the filmis on woman’s identity which has been expressed through my film” said Aimee.Worth mentioning is that Aimee Baruah has been acting in films since her childhood.


Her acting career beganwhen she was a student of class six, and she acted as a heroine at the age of14, when she was in class nine.