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Dr Saniyaa Kadree – Entrepreneur – Social Activist – Actress – Filmmaker And A Woman With A Midas Touch Founder of S K Group

Dr Saniyaa Kadree – Entrepreneur – Social Activist – Actress – Filmmaker And A Woman With A Midas Touch Founder of S K Group

Meeting a celebrity is pleasant, but meeting one with beauty and brains is much to be written home about.

So is Dr. Saniyaa Kadree. For the past few years, Dr.Saniyaa Kadree has worked towards a gender society, where women can live with dignity, free from violence and discrimination. The focus is on empowering young women by imparting job skills, self-improvement skills, awarding scholarships for education and educating young men to become standard-bearers for gender justice individually and within their families and communities.  Saniyaa empowers women to be aware of their rights, live without threats of violence within their homes and communities and build necessary skills to ensure well-being for themselves and their families.

She provides financial aid to young women to complete higher education as well. She also conducts gender education presentations at info fairs, educational institutions, and community interactions.  It works closely with the State and the Police administration towards more efficient helpline numbers for women; with the Municipal bodies and public transport authorities for the safety of women. It also joins in networking with city-based and national women’s and other groups for legislation and policies.

About  Dr. Saniyaa Kadree:

Saniya Kadree is headquartered in Bhusaval in the JALGAON District of Maharastra and came into existence with efforts as one of Bhusaval’s most talented and reputed artist, film producter, project financier and social worker.

Saniya Kadree who has dedicated her life in the field of services  personally takes care of each and every client and moulds them to perfection in their project of interest.

Dr.Saniyaa believes that every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. Women are strongest when they cheer each other on.

Dr. Saniyaa is very  humble and a people oriented person who focuses on social causes.

She is for the youth of our country,  but feels ironic that today’s youth are drifting towards the western culture.


The prime focus of SK Group professionals is by providing abundant guidance to film production, artists, financial services and social services. In a  bid to provide an excellent range of service, the Compant makes use of the premium quality raw material.

SK Finance:

Dr. Saniya Kadree is one of the Leading Financial Solution Providers In India of her organisation :

S K Group provides comprehensive Financial Solutions to Business Houses, Organizations & Individuals who seek their  Expertise. Tbey provide Business Loan, Project Loan, Personal Loan, Home Loan, And Project Finance.

S K Group Helps Clients in  evaluating their Financial needs and suggest the Best-Matched Loan Product from the Bouquet of Financial Products. Above all, the Company  Negotiates for the Best Terms with the Lenders In the Interest of All their Corporate & Individual Clients.

Saniyaa Dream World Production

Saniya Dream World Production House is the Core Specialty of SK Group which specializes in arranging Film Shoots All Over India and has produced some iconic films of Bollywood over the years.   Saniyaa Dream World Production is a Leading Film Production House providing World Class Highly Skilled Production Team & Camera Crew, World-Class Post-Production Facilities & Movie Studios, blending in with the Cutting Edge Technology easily available! The Company’s Highly Dedicated Team ensures that the Product you receive Is something you can truly be proud of High Adaptability and Open-Mindedness Help which helps us bring to you A Personalized Service Experience That Is As Efficient As It Is Hospitable.S K Group Helps Clients In Evaluating Their Financial Needs And Suggest The Best-Matched Loan Product From The Bouquet Of Financial Products. We Negotiate For The Best Terms With Lenders In The Interest Of All Our Corporate & Individual Clients.


This is the passionate Brainchild Of Avid Artist Saniyaa Kadree. An Art Initiative that aims to propagate both Contemporary as well as Upcoming Talent, Transcending dimensions for them but by monitoring their growth and giving them a direction to take their works to the next level.

The  company hopes to bring to you the Best Of Contemporary Indian Art And Look Forward To Your Patronage And Support.


Saniyaa Kadree as a Social Worker : The Company’s Current Focus Is on Children With Intellectual and Developmental Challenges Through their  Flagship Program, their  Team Works Hard To Find Ways To Create a Level Playing Field for Children With Intellectual and Developmental Challenges, So That They Too, Can Play a Meaningful Role in Building Tomorrow’s India.

Noteworthily, she is the Active Core Team of MOM DAD- GOD OF UNIVERSE AWARDS. It is with her whole-hearted co-operation and support the MOM DAD GOD OF UNIVERSE AWARDS is being hosted.

There have been loads of  awards honouring Film Personalities, Scientists, and other mainstream professions. However, this is the first time in the world that all parents irrespective of  caste, creed, religion or race of  any successful achiever from any walk of  life will be honoured and given all due respect which they truly deserve.  As children, we get so busy in our hectic lives that we forget the sacrifices of  our parents and realise about it only when its too late.

The  awards will be a first of  its kind initiative in the world where the  deserving parents will be honoured even if  they are not with us..

The Active Core Team of MOM DAD GOD OF UNIVERSE AWARDS comprises of:

  • Deepak Bhanushali, Technologist Financial Wizard Locations Expert
  • Keval Kumar,  Senior Journalist Technologist Media Moghul 
  • Dr Ashwin Nayak, Filmmaker  Social Entrepreneur Philantrophist
  • Dr Punit Bhardwaj,  Astro Ved World
  • Dr Saniyaa Kadree, Entrepreneur, Actress Activist

For Saniyaa it’s not the ‘Sky’ but ‘Space’  is the limit for her.


Wishing Dr. Saniyaa Kadree abundant success in all  her endeavours ahead.