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Nikita Rawal, Mahir Karjkar, Shivankar Kadu, Urmila Verma, Neha Boradia present at the Grand Launch of CHARITY NOBLE WEEK SEASON-2 in Mumbai by Four Fox Productions

Nikita Rawal, Mahir Karjkar, Shivankar Kadu, Urmila Verma, Neha Boradia present at the Grand Launch of CHARITY NOBLE WEEK SEASON-2 in Mumbai by Four Fox Productions

Grand launch of Glamour India Season 4 & Glamour International was also held

The grand success party of Mr. Miss Mrs. Glamor India 2022 Season 3 was organized in Drag, Mumbai where many celebrities including Nikita Rawal participated. This program was organized by Mahir Karjkar under the social cause charity Noble Week to support Stop Acid Attack to support Transgender Equality in Society, Women empowerment & To stop tobacco consumption which was appreciated by all.

The grand launch of Glamour India 2022 Season 4 & Glamour International was also done on this occasion. On this occasion Founder and CEO of Four Fox Productions Mahir Karjkar, Director Shivankar Kadu, Director Urmila Verma, Aastha Rawal, co director Neha Boradia ,Kunal Thakkar were also present.

Actress Nikita Rawal while talking to the media said that we go to events everyday but this was a very special event. Acid Survivor was given importance in this program. We should support Mahir that he is doing the work for society and human service not only in India but also on the international surface.

Aastha Rawal told that there are a large number of acid victims across the country who do not get support, they are going through a difficult situation. When I came to know about this charity Noble Week I thought of being a part of this event and decided to support. We want to help the family members of these Acid Victims, also want to cooperate in the surgery of Acid Victims.

Mahir Karjkar, Founder and CEO, Four Fox Productions Pvt Ltd said that there are a lot of beauty pageants in India, but I thought differently and decided to help people who are facing lot of problems in their life. I started a campaign to stop acid attack. My friends and my team supported me a lot in this matter. To help Acid Victims and Transgenders Equality, we did this type of show earlier in Goa and now we are bringing it to Mumbai which will be in December. Here came acid survivor Zakira Sheikh, whom I consider to be my sister. I am proud that she has considered me as hes brother. I want her to do a lot in the world, go ahead. I am going to start a supermarket in Pune and want these people to work for that. People can help Zakira Sheikh to pay her daughters’ school fees so that she can make them brave. We party hard, spend thousands of lakhs on clothes and food, can’t we as human beings help any needy.

Shivankar Kadu Director Four Fox Production Pvt Ltd said he is thankful to all who have given huge support to make CHARITY NOBLE WEEK SEASON-2  a grand successful event. We  started a campaign to stop acid attack. My friends and my team supported me a lot in this matter.

Here acid survivor Zakira Sheikh told that in 2017 my husband attacked me with acid. He thought that I would not be able to show my face to the world, but I proved it wrong. I think it is more important to have good behavior than a beautiful face. I want to educate my two daughters a lot, make them strong enough that they do not realize that they are girls.

Urmila Verma, Director, Four Fox Production, said that we organized the charity Nobel Week in Goa last month, it was very successful and the success party of the same was held in Mumbai, where many celebrities, contestants came, they were re crowned.

Neha Boradia, Brand Ambassador of Glamour India Season 3 said that Mahir has supported Acid Victims, Transgenders. The winner of the event said that the message of this beauty pageant is so good and effective that we all get to learn a lot and as we participate and support them we would like everyone should do the same

Nikita Rawal, Mahir Karjkar, Shivankar Kadu, Urmila Verma, Neha Boradia present at the Grand Launch of CHARITY NOBLE WEEK SEASON-2 in Mumbai by Four Fox Productions